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MemberPress Course Assignments

This add-on requires Memberpress Courses to be installed. The MemberPress Assignments add-on enables course creators to assign tasks, track submissions, and provide comments to students directly within MemberPress Courses.

Green Forms – WordPress Form Builder

Green Forms for WordPress allows you to create multi-purpose, visually appealing forms that precisely match the design of your website. You can change practically anything, including fonts, colors, shadows, conditional behavior.

WooCommerce Tiered Pricing

WooCommerce Tiered Pricing – Price By Quantity Plugin allows merchants to provide discounts for products based on quantity in a more effective manner by displaying a quantity discount table on the product page.

Media Grid Overlay Manager

Overlay Manager performs exactly what the name suggests: it allows you to build and manage an endless number of overlays. There are several elements to combine, an endless number of colors, and hundreds of conceivable combinations.

Super Product Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

Super Product Variation Swatches for WooCommerce

This plugin enables you to generate attractive and fully adjustable color swatches for your products, including numerous variant colors, labels, and photos. The plugin essentially converts the standard drop-down menu for your attribute variants selector into gorgeous swatches.

WooPricely – Dynamic Pricing and Discounts

WooPricely - Dynamic Pricing and Discounts

WooPricely is a comprehensive price and discount toolset for WooCommerce stores. You can use the plugin to automate product pricing, simple discount pricing, bulk pricing, tiered pricing, buy x get x pricing, buy x get y pricing, group pricing, cart discounts, and cart fees by specifying rules and circumstances.

Patrick - WorldPressIT

Patrick - WorldPressIT

Typically replies within an hour

I will be back soon

Patrick - WorldPressIT
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We're around and are happy to help you with anything about WorldPressIT Plugins, Themes, Hosting & Services! Shoot us a message!