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YITH WooCommerce Checkout Manager Premium

This plugin enables you to configure your checkout page in an advanced and efficient way.
How it will help you:
You can build and add to your checkout page unlimited custom fields, display them as plain text fields, radio buttons, check boxes, multiple selections, and drag and drop them to organise them on the page.

WooCommerce Easy Checkout Field Editor

The Woocommerce Simple Checkout Field Editor Plugin allows you to add/edit/delete checkout type fields. With our Drag and Drop Admin UI, you can reorder them. Plugin Supports 15 types of custom fields that are commonly used. With order mail, you can choose to send custom field data and display it on the admin order page as well.

WooCommerce Advanced Quantity

Quantity Regulation Total
You can monitor how the quantity area for goods works with the WooCommerce Advanced Quantity plugin.
You can change the minimum value of the quantity field, you can set the maximum value, you can change the interval in the quantity field between each step, you can set the default value for the quantity field, you can add the price and the quantity suffix, you can change the form of input, and much more.

WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers Pro

The WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers Pro plugin allows your shop to have consecutive order numbers instead of random WooCommerce auto-generated order numbers. This plugin selects your last order number automatically and begins a sequential order afterwards too. By using prefixes as well as suffixes, it can further customize order numbers. The plugin configuration is amazingly easy and it can work out of the box as well.

WooCommerce Name Your Price

Name Your Price is an extension that’s exclusive. WooCommerce enables the client to set a product’s own price. It also supports simple goods that are subscriptive, variable and bundled. This purpose may be used to gain gifts or to receive income from goods that have not done well for a long time.

Asset CleanUp Pro Page Speed Booster

Upgrading to the premium plugin allows you to unload additional pages with unused styles & scripts, such as:
Taxonomy sites, such as default categories for WordPress, tags and custom built ones, such as WooCommerce categories of items.

WP Mail SMTP Pro

SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, which is used by various servers to send email messages. If you run your own company website, then we are very positive that this plugin will be helpful for you. We are all aware of the fact that we work very hard to create an email list to bring in more traffic to our WordPress site while we run an online company.

WP Schema Pro Plugin

You may currently use the WordPress Schema Pro plugin to simplify the schema markup on your website. You can easily select which markup you need and this powerful plugin will automatically deal with the rest. It has support for all schema markups that help you get more traffic from search engines on your website. It also has support for customized areas in addition.

Patrick - WorldPressIT

Patrick - WorldPressIT

Typically replies within an hour

I will be back soon

Patrick - WorldPressIT
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We're around and are happy to help you with anything about WorldPressIT Plugins, Themes, Hosting & Services! Shoot us a message!