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Ader – Add to Cart Button for WooCommerce

Ader - Add to Cart Button for WooCommerce

Ader is an excellent WordPress plugin for Elementor that provides a fully customizable Add To Cart WooCommerce button. The plugin includes two widgets that allow you to add a purchase button for a specific product anywhere on the site, as well as to simple and configurable product pages.

Dokan Vendor Filter

Dokan Vendor Filter

This plugin is an extension for Dokan – Multi-vendor Marketplace (powered by WooCommerce). This plugin allows customers to find retailers on your marketplace more quickly by utilizing their current location, country, state, city, zip code, or shop name. They can also search by phone number using an all-in-one field form.

Bulky – WooCommerce Bulk Edit Products, Orders, Coupons

Bulky - WooCommerce Bulk Edit Products, Orders, Coupons

WooCommerce bulk Edit Products makes it easier to work with products in masse. The plugin provides simple and advanced tools for filtering product attributes, including ID, Title, Content, Excerpt, Slugs, SKU, Post date, range of regular and sale price, Sale date, range of stock quantity, Product type, and Categories.

Gravity Forms Mailgun

Gravity Forms Mailgun

Gravity Forms Mailgun integrates your forms with Mailgun’s robust email services to make sending emails simple and dependable. With this add-on, you can be sure that form alerts get up in your email rather than your spam folder.

Gravity Forms Mad Mimi

Gravity Forms Mad Mimi

Gravity Forms Mad Mimi is a useful add-on that makes email marketing simple. It smoothly integrates Gravity Forms with Mad Mimi, instantly adding new contacts to your email lists. Simply design your form, map the fields, and you’ll be ready to boost your campaigns with new, targeted leads.

Gravity Forms Breeze

Gravity Forms Breeze

Gravity Forms snap merges Gravity Forms with Breeze, making task management a snap! Create new tasks based on form submissions, specify due dates, and assign team members effortlessly.

Gravity Forms Clever Reach

Gravity Forms Clever Reach

Gravity Forms CleverReach is a powerful add-on that effortlessly integrates Gravity Forms and CleverReach email marketing. Capture leads from your forms and instantly add them to your CleverReach email lists.

Gravity Forms – WPDB / MySQL Connect

Gravity Forms - WPDB / MySQL Connect

Connect your Gravity Forms to your WPDB Database Tables. This plugin is designed for professionals and developers. Simple WPDB table and field setup using Gravity-Forms’ default feed settings. Add a Primary-Key so that every change or delete from the Gravity-Forms backend will reflect in your WPDB Table.

Patrick - WorldPressIT

Patrick - WorldPressIT

Typically replies within an hour

I will be back soon

Patrick - WorldPressIT
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