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Received 38 Ratings

  • Current Version: 1.36
  • Last Updated: June 21, 2024
Hope is the hartbeat of the soul. (5)

  • 100% Original - All Premium Features Included.

    We Purchase and Download From Original Developers, to provide the most authentic & relevant version. Note: We're not directly affiliated or associated with Interlinks Manager for WordPress developers and we appreciate the authors' effort and original work. Names, expressions and trademarks are used to the minimum extent necessary to truthfully and accurately identify the item.

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  • Unlimited Site & Domain Usage

    File can be used on as many sites as you want, in accordance to WordPress's GPL licensing policies. 

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    WordPress enforces the GPL/GNU license on ALL plugins & themes that 3rd party developers create for WordPress. The GPL license means that every script written for WordPress and their derivatives, must be free (Including all plugins and Themes). We are able to offer prices which are incredibly low for official items due to the fact we purchase all items directly from the authors and redistribute them to the public. The Price is a one-time price for full access, It's not a recurring payment. Original Author Support is not included if purchased from WorldPressIT.



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Interlinks Manager for WordPress Discount - 93% OFF

One of the most effective SEO techniques is to establish an intelligent and efficient system of internal links, with an optimized number of internal links for each post that are appropriate to the search engines at the same time and normal to the readers.
The plugin for Interlinks Manager gives you a set of tools that allow you to build this framework so that you can increase traffic to your website, sell more goods or convert more users.
Analyze the crosslinks
This plugin will retrieve information such as the number of manual internal links, the number of automated internal links, the number of visits created by your internal links, the optimization status and more within the Dashboard menu, with regular expressions added to your posts, and by monitoring user clicks.
It will be simple for you to add or delete internal links as necessary, with this information at your disposal, and always maintain an optimized number of internal links in each message.
Calculate the juice relation
The Juice menu provides you with details about the flow of link juice on your website's URLs, and provides a comprehensive list of all the single links that contribute to the overall link juice generation for each URL.
Get Ideas for Interlinks
The meta box for Interlinks Suggestions is a tool that helps you find articles relevant to the editing of the post. You will save the time usually spent manually searching for new suitable internal ties by taking advantage of this algorithm.
The algorithm takes multiple factors into account and can prioritize particular posts if their titles contain a word that is also present in the edited article, or prioritize, include or exclude posts belonging to specific groups, tags or types of custom posts.
It is possible to change the exact behavior of the algorithm used to retrieve suggestions via the plugin options, so you can boost its accuracy and make it ideal for your particular circumstance.
Develop Auto Interlinks
You can turn unique keywords or phrases into internal links through the AIL (Auto Internal Links) menu. In the following cases, this function can be extremely useful.
A WIKI Foundation of Information for Your Blog
Let's say that you have a blog that talks about optimizing search engines and you want to turn each word that is part of your SEO terms glossary into a link to the term definition article. To accomplish this, simply start by adding a new keyword or phrase (that corresponds to your glossary's SEO term in this case) and the URL path that should be used as a destination, repeat the process and you're ready to go with all your SEO words.
For example, in a situation where you have a large number of posts at your disposal and you need more visitors on the pages where you sell products (or convert users), you might want to convert each keyword or phrase related to the pages where your products are sold to a connection. For eg, "our products", "premium area", "my book", "get the book", "our custom t-shirt", "our supplements", "the newsletter" etc. will be a good choice of keywords and phrases.
For example, if you are a server administrator and want to make your best articles more relevant, you can use automatic links to convert phrases such as "configure a server," "CentOS guide," "learn server administration," "Windows Server," and so on, and point the keyword to the actual articles.
Autolinks without any worries
Popular issues with automatically built connections are that you don't want to:
Accidentally build too many auto internal ties
Generate issues with your SEO Website
Irritate the guests
So I have included options that allow the application of your auto internal links to be under control:
To prevent unintended implementations of your autolinks, custom keywords or sentence boundaries
Selection of post forms to be implemented with autolinks
Maximum number of single-keyword conversions in a single article
Maximum number of conversions in a single post of all the keywords
Responsive to case or insensitive match ( selectable for each keyword )
In a new browser tab, open the link ( selectable for each keyword )
Application of "nofollow" rel= ( selectable for each keyword )
Priority of keyword replacement (to ensure that the most appropriate keywords are always converted if this is prevented by the specified maximum number of keyword conversions, this choice is also useful to decide which keywords/phrases should first be converted if, for example, a post contains a phrase that should be converted, but that phrase also includes keywords
A customizable list of safe tags that is useful for preventing unintentional keyword replacements within specific tags
A test mode that allows you to create autolinks and collect statistics without actually applying them as regular visitors and search engines read the site, so that autolinks to the public can only be triggered when you are pleased with the private result.
Track your clicks
If you are wondering if your changes really help the success of the website after implementing your internal links strategy, you can monitor every click your visitors make on your internal links and have detailed answers. The following data is provided:
The article that got the click earned ( available for each single click )
The date that the link was clicked on ( available for each single click )
Goal of the link that was clicked ( available for each single click )
Link sort, Manual Internal Link or Auto Internal Link type ( available for each single click )
The number of visits produced by the internal links contained in a particular post ( this stat is available as as a table column in the Dashboard menu )
Notice that if you do not want to monitor the internal links, you are free to use the plugin options to disable this feature.
Optimization Interlinks
Interlinks Manager also features a meta box that can tell you if the post's number of internal links is configured. This recommendation is not based on predetermined standards that you may disagree with, but instead on using your custom specified values and the duration of the post considered.
The purpose is that, if you are going to implement an internal links strategy, having a suggested number of internal links helps you determine which posts needs to be edited and which posts already have a proper number of internal links.
Export the information generated to your favorite spreadsheet program
Data about your internal links, link juice, and monitored links can be exported to the plugin menus via the Export CSV portion. You can then import the created CSV files into your favorite spreadsheet program to perform your custom analysis, change, share or print the data.
Allow unique components of a plugin for certain user roles
You can pick the features needed to access particular plugin features in the Options menu, so you can, for example, allow the Interlinks Suggestion meta box for your contributors and editors and leave the other features disabled for them, offer the ability to perform analysis on your posts to a special user role, and so on.
With a large amount of data, feel free to use this plugin
I built bots and downloaded entire websites before launching this plugin, checked the plugin on a vast amount of data and optimized the regular expressions and each single database query to make it easy to function on any possible scenario.
Just to give you an idea, you can get information about the internal links or the link juice of 100,000 posts in about 120 seconds with this plugin (please note that factors other than the number of posts may increase or decrease the actual time needed to perform an analysis, more information is available in the plugin documentation), which means that when used normally, for example, with your current analysis, more information is available in the plugin documentation
You can also use the plugin for millions of posts on websites, but I have limited the maximum number of posts that can be evaluated in a single iteration to 100,000 in order to avoid long waiting times and potential full PHP memory usage.
There are no foreign resources involved.
This plugin uses regular expressions to evaluate your posts and does not use an external provider, which ensures that you can conduct your analyses for an infinite period of time once you get this plugin. Just you, standard expressions, and the CPU of your server do the job.
Ready Gutenberg
WordPress is evolving and the new Gutenberg Editor, a page builder that uses blocks to generate all types of content, will soon replace the TinyMCE editor.
This plugin helps you to pick exactly where the autolinks should be applied to the Gutenberg blocks. So in the application of the autolinks, you can be very precise and avoid some kind of problem associated with the application of autolinks on Gutenberg blocks.
Ready Multisite
This plugin can also be used on a WordPress network and supports both the activation of a network (the plugin is activated in a single phase on all the WordPress network sites) and the activation of a single site ( your plugin will be manually activated on single sites of the network ).
Ready Multilanguage
Interlinks Manager comes in English and Italian by default, just create a translation file or manually translate it with a multilanguage plugin if you want to translate the plugin into another language.

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