Hereby the original document: General GPL Compliance Document






Legal Opinion in regards to distribution and re-distribution of products licensed under the GNU General Public License –


  1. We refer to the request (the GNU General Public License) and the freedoms that it exhibits in regards to the distribution and re-distribution of products under it. Unless otherwise defined in this letter, terms and expressions defined in GNU General Public License have the same meanings when used in this letter.
  2. This letter is provided pursuant to the request made by the client in regards to the understanding and implications that are carried by the terms of agreement by the GNU General Public License.
  3. This letter may be relied upon by the client and whomever is concerned and may be used only in connection with the GNU General Public License

ST 82/ MAIN RD/ ATD             | [email protected] |

  1. The provision of this opinion is not to be taken as implying that we owe any duty of care to anyone other than our client in relation to the content of the GNU General Public License, its understanding and its commercial and financial implications.
  2. This letter sets out our opinion on certain matter in regards to the GNU General Public License and its terms and conditions in regards to its versions that are utilized by software
  3. This letter is to be read in accordance with the terms and conditions implemented by the GNU General Public License and its versions.
  4. For the purposes of this letter, we have examined:
  • GNU General Public License Version 3.0
  • GNU General Public License Version 2.0
  • The distribution website through which a client was utilizing the GNU General Public License
  1. For the purposes of this letter, we have carried out:
  • a thorough examination of the terms and conditions of GNU General Public License Version 3.0, with a focus towards Section 1, Section 4, Section 5, Section 6 and Section 7
  • a thorough examination of the terms and conditions of GNU General Public License Version 2.0, with a focus towards Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, Section 4, Section 5 and Section 6
  • a thorough examination of the client’s website which is used for the purpose of distribution and re-distribution of products licensed under GNU General Public Licenses
  1. We have made all due enquiry into the terms and conditions and are satisfied that:-
  • The client’s website is compliant in regards to the terms and conditions as stated by the

GNU General Public License Version 3.0 in terms of re-distribution purposes;

  • The client’s website is compliant in regards to the terms and conditions as stated by the

GNU General Public License Version 2.0 in terms of re-distribution purposes;

  • The client’s website gives reasonable notice to any and all copyright and trademark aspects in regards to the products being re-distributed. The client’s website in way, shape or form attempts to lay claim to ownership in regards to the products being re-distributed;

ST 82/ MAIN RD/ ATD             | [email protected] |

  • The degree to which re-distribution is handled is established under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License (Version 3.0, 2.0). The client has taken the requisite precautionary steps in ensuring that these terms in regards to re-distribution are followed properly;
  • The terms laid down in the GNU General Public License expressly allows for re-distribution of products to be done so freely as long as there is compliance in regards to copyright and trademarks. The client website shows clearly relevant copyright notices and expressly states their intentions in regards to intellectual property, copyrights and licenses.


  1. For the purposes of this letter, we have assumed each of the following:
  • the information disclosed by the examination was complete, up to date and accurate as at the date each was conducted and has not since then been altered or added to; and
  • the examination did not fail to disclose any information which they should have disclosed relevant for the purposes of this opinion.


  1. Based on and subject to the foregoing, and subject to the reservations set out below, we are of the opinion:
  • The GNU General Public License allows for re-distribution; and
  • The client’s website is in compliance with the GNU General Public License and their terms in regards to re-distribution.


  1. Our reservations are as follows:
  • we express no opinion in this letter as to the validity, binding effect or enforceability of the rights or obligations client in regards to any other aspect other than the GNU General Public License

Yours faithfully,

Murdoch Law

ST 82/ MAIN RD/ ATD             | [email protected] |