Received 55 Ratings
It is possible to disable any widget & extension! If there is something you don’t need, just disable it and no assets will be loaded. So, the extra loading time can be minimized.
Important: This plan disappears FOREVER when all 250 coupon codes are utilized.
Unlimited Access to All Premium Plugins & Themes, Priority support, Automated Unlimited Lifetime Updates, Managed WordPress Hosting & More. From $14.99/Month
Received 11 Ratings
Arnica is a creative and professional upcoming WordPress plugin designed with the Bootstrap framework. It contains an Ajax MailChimp subscription, a contact form, and Google Maps. With this WordPress plugin, you may work on your site/theme while your visitors view the under construction page.
Received 10 Ratings
Clara – Wedding & Party Planner Template Kits is an Elementor Template Kit for creating websites for your business quickly and easily with the Elementor Page Builder plugin for WordPress. This is not a theme for WordPress. Template Kits are collections of page content for the Elementor page builder. This kit was designed to work with the free Hello Elementor theme, but it can be used with any theme that supports Elementor.
Received 29 Ratings
Readabler is a WordPress accessibility plugin that expands the boundaries of information accessibility for people with special portability. The availability of content for people with special needs or difficulties with information perception is the most important part of each site’s operation.
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