100% Original - All Premium Features Included.
We Purchase and Download From Original Developers, to provide the most authentic & relevant version. Note: We're not directly affiliated or associated with WooCommerce Memberships developers and we appreciate the authors' effort and original work. Names, expressions and trademarks are used to the minimum extent necessary to truthfully and accurately identify the item.
Safe & Secure
The File Is Scanned Daily by Norton & McAfee to ensure safety, 100 % Free from Virus / Malware / Malicious Script etc. Run your own online Security check now (button under product image).
Unlimited Site & Domain Usage
File can be used on as many sites as you want, in accordance to WordPress's GPL licensing policies.Â
Updates Included (6 Months) - From WorldPressIT
We make sure that your site is always up to date, you will be notified the moment a new version is released on WorldPressIT and the new download link automatically delivered to your email.
Why So Cheap?
WordPress enforces the GPL/GNU license on ALL plugins & themes that 3rd party developers create for WordPress. The GPL license means that every script written for WordPress and their derivatives, must be free (Including all plugins and Themes). We are able to offer prices which are incredibly low for official items due to the fact we purchase all items directly from the authors and redistribute them to the public. The Price is a one-time price for full access, It's not a recurring payment. Original Author Support is not included if purchased from WorldPressIT.

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WooCommerce Memberships Discount - 93% OFF
- A membership solution that is 100% compatible with your goods and content.
WooCommerce Memberships is not just another plugin to limit the content on your website: it is an easy-to-use, site-wide membership solution that brings together your content, store, and memberships."When it comes to configuration, this is maybe one of the simplest and cleanest plugins... it is super clean and simple to handle."This plugin will make you love it."-Chris Lema
Memberships allow you to build an entire membership scheme that is connected to your store seamlessly.
You can limit the content to members, but you can also "drip" the content to schedule when members have access over time. Offer membership access, provide product purchase memberships, grant memberships manually, and fully incorporate member benefits into your shop.
Offer or Distribute Memberships
Memberships are not a particular category of product for WooCommerce; membership programs are produced independently of products instead. This helps you to decide how to grant access for optimal versatility. To endorse many forms of membership, you can add 0 or more items (of almost any type) to a membership plan:Offer a membership as a stand-alone product. Build a membership product, then attach the plan to sell it to that product.
Grant access to a membership as part of a product order, i.e. purchase a meal box subscription, get free access to the recipes section
Grant access from different items to the same membership (i.e. an annual purchase or a monthly subscription)
Manually delegate memberships to an invite-only members' region
WooCommerce memberships: data from the general plan
Data on Membership Plan
Strategically granting access to content
You put a lot of work into your members-only content, so memberships allow you to plan when it can be viewed by your members. You can drip content, which means you can plan when the content should be available to members. For instance, before they can access some posts or websites, you can require clients to be a member for a week.Memberships in WooCommerce: Incorporate plan restrictions
Plan Content Constraint
This gives you more power of how members start using your page and helps you to bring your content to members at your pace.You can also decide which content is included with content dripping rules in a free trial period by using this with Subscriptions.
Content dripping with trial of WooCommerce Memberships
And Free Trial Dripping
Transform a Buying Club into your shop
Memberships allow you to build members-only items so that your platform can become a shopping club or allow you to exclusively sell members those products.You can limit product viewing to members, which ensures that these items in your shop would be shielded from non-members. You may also limit buying, which means that goods are public, but they can be bought only by members.
WooCommerce Memberships: guidelines for product limitations
Product Restriction Preparation
You can also drip product access so that members do not automatically get access to goods.Give Members More Shipping Choices
Members can be the most loyal customers, because it keeps them coming back for more by giving them incentives that allow them to buy from you repeatedly. Memberships expand the free shipping settings so that you can specifically give your members free shipping, while forcing non-members to meet other requirements (such as providing a discount or minimum order amount).WooCommerce Memberships: Free delivery for members
Add Members-Free Shipping Only
Unique Discounts Reward Members
Since you may want to offer some benefits to your members, for all products, certain products, or some product categories, you may have member discounts.Memberships for WooCommerce: Add member discounts
Buying Discounts Schedule
Display Members Their Perks Automatically
Although management of membership should be easy on you, it should also be easy on your members. In the Member Region, members can find all the details they need about their membership. Members can access any membership area from the 'My Account' page by clicking the 'View' button.My discounts in the WooCommerce Membership Member Region
Zone Member: My Discounts
You may allow members to view a list of open content (posts and pages), items, promotions, and / or public membership notes in any or all parts of the member region. If a member has access to material in the future, the member is also able to see the access date.Import Members or Export Members
Inside WooCommerce, you have a lot of resources to manage members, but you might want to connect to other services too such as importing a member list into an email tool. Memberships allow you to export members to a CSV file to get member details from WooCommerce and other resources.Export Settings of WooCommerce Memberships
By merging your file with existing data, you can also import members via CSV to add new memberships, build new users, or bulk-update existing members.
Simplify Members' Contact
You spend a lot of time on customer support and handling members while you manage a membership platform. With memberships, we've tried to make it as convenient as possible. We also added "Membership Notes" so that you can track a customer's membership records, add your own notes for your reference, and even connect easily with a specific member by sharing a note via email with them.Affiliation notes for WooCommerce Memberships
In order to let members know about ending memberships and encourage them to renew or upgrade, you can also use expiration and renewal reminder emails.
Memberships in WooCommerce: schedule email content
Email Content Plan
Memberships + Signups
Memberships are entirely usable as a stand-alone membership solution, but with the most innovative available recurring payment solution for eCommerce: WooCommerce Subscriptions, it works really well.Memberships can use certain subscription features to give you more control over membership billing while both plugins are active (more information in our documentation):
Memberships can use periodic billing (i.e. annual payments) instead of a fixed period (such as a year for the membership.
Memberships can use subscriptions as a payment plan, but manage the length of access itself to support payment of installments.
For membership, free trials may be used with a subscription.
Limiting and dripping content can include or exclude free trial periods so that you monitor what content is available in trials
Members may suspend a subscription by pausing their own memberships.
By switching a subscription, members can upgrade or downgrade memberships
Upgrades and downgrades will use the proration of Subscription to ensure correct membership costs
Even if you don't want to use recurring billing, by setting the contract duration to one billing cycle, you can maximize the other subscription features so that you can take advantage of updates and downgrades or trial periods.Sale to businesses or associations memberships
Instead, do you need to sell memberships to teams, corporations or groups? Check out the extension of Teams for WooCommerce Memberships (bought separately). This plugin adds memberships to WooCommerce, enabling a community of users instead of a person to sell access.Administrate a team
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